What Should Sony's 'Goodwill Gesture' Be?


To be perfectly honest, my world hasn't exactly been turned upside down by this whole PlayStation Network fiasco (apart from being unable to download a free custom theme I with Super Robot Taisen Z2, anyway). I mostly use my PS3 to watch my blu-ray collection, and I can live without whatever online functionality might be affected by PSN. I suspect that will continue to be the case until Namco Bandai finally gets around to porting Gundam Extreme Versus to the PS3.

That said, I'll happily accept a free copy of Dead Nation.

Since the disasters in Japan, I've heard a lot about cell phones that blare "earthquake alarms" just before something strikes. So, I think Sony could adopt something similar -- How about sending out some sort of desk clock that broadcasts a warning signal when my personal information gets stolen again?