What Business Can Learn from Gates' New Web Site


"This is perfect for the marketplace. But it's not something any foundation should try to do. In the areas that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation focuses on, it's where you have diseases that don't exist in the rich world and so the research dollars aren't there because there's no market-driven opportunity."

In other words: Capitalists are do-gooders, too, but foundations and, according to Gates, governments have their places, too.

The site may also put to rest any remaining fear the Gates is some sort of evil genius. His areas of interest--renewable energy, tropical diseases, family planning, climate change, pandemic response, the earthquake in Haiti--are more those of saint than sinner.

How can this help your business?

The Gates Notes, more than his books, shows how the man's mind works and shares his thoughts on current issues. It's not a how-to for businesspeople, but in seeing how Bill is trying to help change the world, you might pick-up some hints on changing your company, too. Since he's no longer competing with anybody, Gates has no reason to hold back or misdirect.