Weekly Wrap: Fear, Photos, and 'Flix


On the still photo side--or perhaps, the one-frame movie side--Adobe released and , furthering Adobe's long-fought battle with Apple over whether or not to use Roman numerals in representing the number ten in software names.

Meanwhile, makes it even easier (and, perhaps, less distressing) to share distressed photos. When it's time to share all your photos, we have some suggestions if you're looking for before that service goes away. And did you know that you can ?

And, of course, if you're more interested in watching Hollywood's movies than creating your own, you should know that , and that some of us--namely, me--.

Elsewhere around the site, we offered up some thoughts on --although, to our shame, we missed an opportunity to make a poke-a/polka joke. We also noted how Facebook's CEO this week... and didn't really carry it off.