We Need an 'iTunes Match' for Movies and Books


Wal-Mart recently introduced a service to to digital format in the cloud. But, the service costs $2 per DVD, $5 for HD quality, and $2 per Blu-Ray discs. It is certainly cheaper than rebuying all the content, but could still add up quickly if you have a big enough movie collection. The other down side to the Wal-Mart service is that the content can only be accessed using Vudu once it's uploaded.

So, there are some options for movies, but they're far from perfect. As far as I know, there are no similar services offered that allow you to somehow gain access to cloud-based digital versions of your physical books. You could scan the entire thing and store it on your tablet or smartphone as a PDF, but it would be such a tedious process that you'd be much better off to spend the money and just buy a new digital version instead.

When traveling on business, it's nice to have access to an entire library containing all of the music you own. Now, we just need someone to step up and offer a solution that also lets you sync your movies or books to your mobile device or access them from the cloud as well.

If you already own The Breakfast Club you shouldn't have to pay $14.99 to buy it again from iTunes just so you have something to watch during your flight. If you already own the paperback edition of my book , you shouldn't have to pay $17.25 to buy the Kindle version just so you can read it on your iPad rather than lugging the book around with you.

It seems like there should be something along the lines of iTunes Match for movies and books as well. Perhaps some software that lets you insert your physical DVDs or Blu-Ray discs into your PC to verify your ownership of the physical disc, then makes the digital equivalent available to you online. For books, maybe you could scan the bar code and ISBN from the cover to prove you have the book, and get access to the e-book version.