Watch yourself -- the boss may be out to get you


Then, writing in huge letters, I added "SER" right after the "U." "U is for User," I started, and went on to explain exactly why experienced end-users are a critical part of any effective UAT process. The controller agreed but insisted that he had never assumed ownership of such key tasks. The VP declared that her responsibilities made it impossible for her to lead testing, and she had counted on me to prioritize my tasks more effectively.

I waited until they were done and then handed out the copies of the plan with the controller's signature right there on the bottom. It became instantly clear whose team was responsible for the delays. If looks could kill, I wouldn't have gotten past the controller alive.

The UAT was quite successful, although it took place two months late. Afterward, my boss summoned me to his office to acknowledge a job well done and to reassign me to a project that would put some distance between me and the financial department. I accepted gladly.