Wall Street Beat: Tech shares hit by slump


"With virtualization and cloud development among the top priorities for most enterprises, IDC expects the systems management software market will continue to experience strong demand," said Tim Grieser, program vice president, Enterprise System Management Software, in the report.

Despite fears about retail sales, , more than double the $1.6 billion generated in 2010, a figure bound to put revenue in the coffers of some tech companies.

"As the adoption of smartphones and media tablets extends to more consumers, the audience for mobile advertising will increase and become easier to segment and target, driving the growth of mobile advertising spend for brands and advertisers," said Andrew Frank, research vice president at Gartner, in the report.

Despite the upbeat sector reports, until third-quarter sales figures come out from a broad range of vendors, economic uncertainty is bound to make for a rocky few months for tech vendors in the markets.