US laws needed to boost computer security


Here are more reasons for enacting computer security laws:

-- According to reports, the percentage of unsolicited e-mail sent out via bot networks is in excess of 90 percent. Messages are also growing in size. The number and the size of messages will only continue to grow, so you can assume a very large percentage of Internet traffic is a result of bots.

-- From my personal observations, an unprotected computer will fall victim to dozens of attacks an hour. This implies that botnet scans are constant and responsible for a large volume of Internet traffic.

-- Botnet-related attacks result in billions of dollars in lost productivity and added costs annually. ISPs and large organizations spend billions to increase bandwidth as spam and other botnet-related attacks take up network volume, and billions more is spent on security software and the related hardware to prevent botnet-related attacks.

With the above in mind, the following laws are needed to at least begin to protect businesses, consumers and the Internet itself: