Ubuntu 'Oneiric Ocelot' Gains Linux 3.0, Thunderbird


Causing great joy in many quarters of the Linux world is the fact that Mozilla's will be shipped by default in Oneiric Ocelot instead of Evolution, which was long the Ubuntu email standard. Thunderbird has been in there for a while for testing purposes, but Canonical has now reportedly decided to . I'm a Thunderbird fan myself, so I agree that this is good news.

4. Ubuntu Software Center

One big improvement to the in this new release is the addition of a "top rated" view of both the main category page and all subcategory pages. This is going to make it a lot easier to zero in on the best software.

The Software Center will now also allow you to edit or delete your own reviews, and it's gotten significantly faster for standalone ".deb" file installations.

5. Gwibber