The ultimate gift guide for lazy procrastinators


Enter your "free gift note" for each item, and choose "Gift-wrap this item" if you like. Near the bottom of the page, check the box that says, "Don't print prices on packing slips regardless of what I enter above." Click "Continue."

Choose your shipping options. Amazon will tell you when it will get there. If it won't get there on time, upgrade to One-Day shipping.

If you're shipping to addresses you've never shipped to before, will ask you to re-enter payment information for security. Go ahead and do this.

Carefully review all aspects of the "Shipping Details" page, then click the "Place your order" button.

Congratulations! You just did all your holiday shopping in less than an hour. You bought genuinely popular products at low prices without agonizing over every gift or -- best of all -- getting anywhere near a mall.