The pyrotechnology behind those fireworks


But the software is a mainstay of costly, high-profile shows such as the New Year's Eve display in New York's Times Square, which is choreographed with ShowSim.

Still, not every fireworks expert is sold on the idea of simulation software. The subject drew mixed opinions during a discussion on the earlier this year.

"Choreography cannot be given an advantage by software or secrets, it is something you either have a talent for, or you do not," one forum member wrote. "I have seen people with the best product, firing system and crews in the world shoot [lousy] displays."

But the programs do have their place, another poster wrote. "Many [people] only get to design a handful of real shows every year and these programs give them an outlet to enhance their skills."

Kepley acknowledged the limits of value that technology can bring to fireworks shows, which adherents consider to be a genuine art form.