The Macalope Weekly: Vanilla Sky


It'll come to the Macalope in a minute.

Once again, it's time to play "Is It Competition Yet?", the non-musical game where we look at potential iPad competitors and wonder aloud, "Are they eating paint chips or what?"

There's a lot of buzz about the Samsung Galaxy Tab, which is set to launch in the U.S. . Of all the potential "iPad killers," this seems likely to be the one that will not be an utter embarrassment. Samsung's CEO expects to sell about a million units this year and a million is a really big number so you know it's going to be great. Or great-ish.

Google has warned developers that Android 2.2 isn't tablet ready and has suggested that most should wait for a future release such as Honeycomb before making the leap. The tablet-optimized OS isn't believed to be shipping until early 2011.