The Macalope Weekly: Executive suite



OK, we had this argument last fall after Jobs passed away and it’s an incredibly stupid one. It’s so stupid that the fact that Gladwell is engaged in it seriously puts his purported intellect in doubt.

No one can really tell how history will remember Steve Jobs, not even Mr. It’s like trying to predict fashion trends or or Katy Perry. You can’t! They’re flighty and may change on a whim!

If the Macalope had to guess, he’d say Jobs will be remembered, perhaps not as much as Henry Ford or Walt Disney, but at least as much as Frank Lloyd Wright or Akira Kurosawa. The personal computer revolution was not carried out by one person, but Jobs contributed more than any other single individual, the caterwauling of free software nuts and more mainstream Apple haters notwithstanding.

The Verge’s Vlad Savov thinks Gladwell may be being deliberately controversial.