The Macalope Weekly: Christmas miracles!


As my mailbag grew heavier and more acidic, I found myself thinking of Adam Lambert's wonderful comments in Dan Savage's "It Gets Better" video series. It does get better, Lambert told struggling gay teens. But "even someone like me, someone that has recently come into some success... even I get bullied," Lambert says.

Dude, you just compared getting negative feedback on a barely labeled and unfunny "satire" piece to being gay-bashed. Are you saying you were born to write link-bait or...?

Of course, this piece is also in the Huffington Post's Humor section, so maybe that's also "satire."

By the way, Huffington Post, when did labeling something "humor" mean you can name-drop your way through any unfunny, incorrect, and self-serving thing you want?