The Kinect Hack Compendium!

Since Microsoft released its Kinect accessory for Xbox 360, it's become the "it" gadget for hackers. And we've seen so many hacks for it since its introduction that, well, we've kind of lost count. So to better keep track of it all, we've put together this catalog of all the Kinect hacks we've covered here on GeekTech.

Feel free to bookmark this page; it'll be updated regularly as we cover more Kinect hacks. It's listed in reverse-chronological order, so the newest items will appear at the top. Enjoy.

Last Updated: March 5, 2011

Mar 3, 2011: Over the course of about two weeks, Nisha Kurani, John Horstman, and their fellow students in Carnegie Mellon's Special Topics in Interactive Art & Computational Design course hacked Microsoft Kinect cameras. Not for fun, mind you, but for class credit.