The fanboys strike back


Actually, I was talking about what all the other blogs and news stories are saying about Apple giving the finger to Macworld. That was too subtle for N. E., I guess.

"Hit whore" Actually, I'm more of a hit slut. I don't get paid more when my posts are popular, I just like the way it feels.

Finally, N. E. apparently thinks I can be bought for $15K. I suppose it's theoretically possible. But for Microsoft the price is $10,000,000 in small unmarked bills.

Meanwhile, the anti-fanboy backlash is growing. Computerworld blogger Preston Gralla hopes that Steve Jobs quietly slipping away from Macworld means the . He writes:

The news that Steve Jobs won't at Macworld '09, and that Apple in future Macworlds, may spell good news for the civility of the Internet -- perhaps it will finally mean the end of the aggressively rude Apple fanboys who prowl the Internet, looking for virtual fights.