The coolest Android accessories around


It may not have the word "Android" in its name, but it's abundantly clear that the USB Robot microSD Card Reader is made with Google in mind. Each reader comes in an Bugdroid-shaped case with two Bugdroid-shaped keychains inside. Pop off the keychains' heads, and you'll find standard USB connectors. On the other side sits a slot for any microSD card; slide one in, and you've got a fully functioning card-reading-and-writing accessory in your hand.

Available from for $9 (pack of two).

11. Exploded Andy T-Shirt

A true Android classic, the Exploded Andy T-Shirt dissects Mr. Droid to show off the gears -- and, yes, the heart -- inside. The eye-catching design comes from artist Garry Booth and is a favorite of Android fans worldwide.

Available from for $15.