The 21 PC games that matter most this fall


Developed by Petroglyph, End of Nations is a futuristic real-time strategy game that's free to play by thousands of players simultaneously. Whether you choose to subscribe or play for free when the game (hopefully) launches later this year, you'll need to log in and accept a mission from an NPC to do battle against the Order of Nations, the monolithic foe that most players are working together to defeat. From there you'll enter into a strategic battle for resources using tanks, fighters, and other military units in typical RTS fashion. Unlike a typical RTS, you usually won't be permitted to build new units or generate reinforcements, making End Of Nations a peculiar MMORTS hybrid that may become a sleeper hit among PC gamers looking to wage war alongside other players across a vast battlefield.

Most gamers remember the classic Mechwarrior games, but fewer recall the fantastic Mechcommander tactical strategy games that came out on PC at the turn of the century. Those who do, remember that conducting real-time tactical combat with giant walking combat mechs is a pretty great idea, and now Piranha Games has secured the rights to create a free-to-play PC strategy game with the Mechwarrior license. We had a chance to play a beta version of the game during a press event, and it plays like a turn-based tactical boardgame with a twist: Players take time to issue orders to their Mechs, and then those orders execute simultaneously. While the game will be free to play when it launches this fall, players can pay to unlock new mech designs, equipment, and other perks.