Tanzanian telecenters share costs of wireless 'Net


FADECO purchased a Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT), since up to then it had to dial out to Dar es Salaam, 1,500 kilometers away, and pay long distance call fees. The FADECO network started connecting local clients with a few off-the-shelf wireless access points and at each site used directional antennas to point back to the FM base station at FADECO.

Ian Howard, Frontier Markets and sustainable technologies expert and author of the APC report says "telecenters can become knowledge service centers that add tremendous value to local economies, act as catalyst for the creation of a micro knowledge sector and provide higher value work for educational workers who can be retained in the rural community."

The APC report advises, however, that "rural ICTs that do not have readily available technical support should adopt new systems only at a pace at which their staff can completely learn how to use and support them."