Survey says games make a great date


WILSONVILLE, Ore., Feb. 2 /PRNewswire/ -- For many, Valentine's Day conjures up feelings of love, intermingled with anxiety over finding the right gift and planning the perfect night. This year, forget expensive candlelit dinners or romantic movies and consider video games. A new survey released by national video game retailer Game Crazy finds that nearly 80 percent of Americans would enjoy playing video games with their significant other. Whether playing to win or just partaking in friendly competition, all couples really need this Valentine's Day is a gaming console.

"Video gaming can be extremely beneficial for a couple's relationship because it promotes bonding and feeling close, helps refine a couples ability to problem solve together and, most importantly, encourages having fun and laughing with one another," said Dr. Diana Kirschner, relationship expert and author of Love in 90 Days. "As a matter of fact, it is my experience that the couples that play together stay together!"

An Unconventional Dating Game?

The biggest allure for 61 percent of Americans is that video gaming is something a couple can do together. Others see gaming together as a good way to work as a team (25%), while some just enjoy watching the faces their significant other makes while playing (20%). During times of economic uncertainty, couples also look to this seemingly unconventional dating activity as an inexpensive way to spend time together. In fact, 21 percent of respondents admit that gaming is appealing because it's a low-cost date option.

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