Sun Solaris getting security, virtualization boosts


Although Sun in November released the Java programming language under the open source GNU General Public License version 2, the company still is pondering whether GPL is the right route for Solaris. Sun may offer Solaris under GPL 3 when that is finalized. GPL 3 addresses aspects such as the capability to combine software not based on the GPL.

Solaris currently is offered under Sun's CDDL (Common Development and Distribution License), which is a Mozilla-style license offering more leeway in combining of code, according to Goguen. By releasing Solaris in an open source fashion, the company recognizes that technologies such as DTrace could be ported to new environments.

In 2007, Sun also plans to make major plays to gain the business of so-called Web 2.0 startup companies, Sun officials said. These are being defined by Sun as companies using technology as an advantage for their businesses and who leverage the Web in a more read-write, interactive fashion as opposed to a read-only format.

Additionally, Sun will make a stronger play into the X86 leveraging reseller channels, Goguen said.