Strategic Developer: Building connection engines with metadata


Like many sites, offers a set of topical RSS feeds ( Now that every iwx view can be seen through an RSS lens, that set is vastly enlarged. Suddenly we have feeds for Vista, Cisco, and many other topics. Cool! But not in the obvious way. Before iwx offered an RSS feed of InfoWorld's Vista articles, did. Frankly, neither version is very interesting in and of itself. If you want to syndicate articles about Vista, ours are only some of the ones you'll want to see in that feed.

Aggregated views are the ticket. And the key point is that the iwx version of the feed encourages smarter aggregation. Metadata is what makes the interactive experience in iwx more compelling than its counterpart. By syndicating that metadata, I'm inviting others to more richly contextualize their aggregations of our stuff.

If other publishers will return the favor, I'll gladly make better use of theirs. Any takers?