Storage Virtualization makes Asian Paints Agile


The operation was completed in a 24 hour window of downtime

The upgrade built up scalability for 24 months and the upgraded SAN would now provide untapped space

The storage ecosystem was creaking under pressure, the existing SAN arrays were already peaking in terms of I/O performance, and there was no room to add more.

Additionally, EMC, the SAN array provider, advised the company to move to its newer SAN platform, the DMX family, because the existing Symmetrix and Clariion arrays were going out of support shortly. Now the IT team prioritized the upgrade and started carving out a plan with the relevant size and roll out process. This decision-making cycle lasted about three.

In terms of scalability, performance and redundancy, it is important to right-size a storage solution, and this was one of the first challenges faced.