Social media is dead; film at 11


How did I find this article? I didn't. The Twitter machine that is tweeted me about it. More and more, that's how I find out about stuff on the Net. (Not just from Guy, though he and his Twitter minions spew out more useful tweets than virtually anyone else out there. You start to wonder if they ever eat or sleep.)

Interesting in giving Twitter a whirl? TechRepublic's Jason Hiner has an fascinating (but deeply flawed) list of . (Deeply flawed = I'm not on it.) Meanwhile, those jokers over at eSarcasm have published a nifty chart on . (I'm not entirely sure I trust their methodology, though.)

In other words, don't knock social media until you've tried it. And if you still don't like it after that, well go ahead knock it to your heart's content. I bet you'll use some form of social media to do it, though.
