Six Good Reasons to Try GIMP 2.8

Of all the many examples of excellent out there, GIMP is surely among the best known examples for offering a no-cost and yet power-packed alternative to an extremely high-priced proprietary market leader.

It's Adobe PhotoShop that , of course, and GIMP--short for "GNU Image Manipulation Program"--has won countless enthusiastic fans, including yours truly.

On Thursday, the project's developers announced the release of , a new stable version that culminates more than three years of work.

Numerous long-awaited features have been incorporated into this new release, so it's definitely worth checking out. Here's a quick rundown of some of the highlights.

1. Single-Window Mode

Perhaps the most widely anticipated feature now included in GIMP 2.8 is an optional single-window mode. Users can toggle between the default multi-window mode and the new single-window mode; in the latter, GIMP will put dockable dialogs and images in a single, tabbed image window. When single-window mode is selected, it's also preserved when you quit and start GIMP again.