Simplify your cashback searches with the Ebates Toolbar


The toolbar also offers one-click links to sales and deals. And, like most, it provides a Web-search option, which you can use or not. If you like to know the running tally of how much cash you've earned to date, it can display that number -- though you can also hide that info if you wish (something to consider if you share your PC).

I've installed and used the Cash Back Toolbar myself, and to my knowledge, it's caused no harm to my system. Alas, for the moment it's available only for Firefox and Internet Explorer. Chrome users like myself are out of luck.

Whether you're already an Ebates user or new to the service (you can ), this toolbar is decidedly handy to have around. The money you save could be your own. (Come to think of it, who else's would it be?)

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