Share exec spells out user group's wish list


RR: It still takes too much tweaking to really get up to where you want it be. Some people have that down, but especially in the small to midsize marketplace, without the big IT staffs, that's an issue for a lot of them. The one thing that is going to be really interesting is the whole OpenOffice arena. Everybody says that buying Microsoft Office is expensive, but the retraining cost to go to another package is astronomical. So I don't know how you work all that out.

CW: Is there anything on this list that is IBM-specific? What will you ask IBM to do from this list?

RR: The Parallel File System [a high-performance cluster file system] is one area we are seeing a lot of interest in. Another one is the cell processor for high-performance computing. Granted, most of the enterprises don't view themselves as HPC organizations, [but] in fact more and more of them are -- and how would you work with this new processor? The other one -- this one was an interesting one -- you want to ensure continuation of people coming into the IT field. You keep hearing that the IT field is not a good field to go into anymore, yet my personal belief is that it still is.