Seven Instagram alternatives for iOS


Once satisfied, hang your image up to dry with clothespins (in true darkroom-development fashion), and then export it to your desired location.

Pixlr-o-matic stands out for its built-in image sharing service, Each image you publish to gets its own link, which you can share at your leisure. This gives you—the photographer—hands-on control over who sees your photo and how it gets used.

When you launch Pixlr-o-matic, a notification pops up that reads: “In order to improve this app, we receive non-personal, aggregated product usage data. You can turn this off in the Info menu.” This is an excellent option for those concerned about privacy—either the data the app collects will not be personal, or you can opt out of data-sharing all together.

This app’s flexible privacy options pared with private viewing makes Pixlr-o-matic a standout service with neat, retro photo effects.

: For some people, Instagram’s kitschy factor is a turnoff—its hip filters definitely aren’t suited for everyone’s style, and the app leaves little else in terms of photo editing features. If you like easy sharing options but dislike the washed-out vintage look and would prefer higher-quality tools, East Coast Pixels’ $2 is a solid compromise.