Security logs, medical records found in disused hard drives


The disk also contained security policies, facility blueprints and employee social security numbers belonging to the system's designer, aerospace manufacturer Lockheed Martin.

In Australia, a disk belonging to a nursing home was found, containing pictures of patients wounds.

A recent Verizon Business forensic data breach report found that data loss via portable hard drives accounted for one in 150, from a total of 285 million record breaches, and according to Mark Goudie, Verizon Business' managing principal for investigative response in Asia Pacific, these numbers are insignificant.

"There is a lot of hype about the dangers of data leaks by portable media like USBs and laptops," Goudie told .

An investigation is currently underway at Lockheed Martin, and a spokesperson told Britain's that the company was not aware of any compromise of data related to the THAAD system.