Search tools: hardware, an add-on and a service


Surf Canyon monitors what you search for on Google, Yahoo, MSN Live Search, Craigslist and Lexis Web and tracks which results you select. When you return to your search results page, Surf Canyon modifies the listings in real time to include results it determines through its mysterious and cunning algorithms to be related and relevant and, stap me vitals, if it doesn't work!

It appears that Surf Canyon's strategy is to look at the results you follow and compare those with other results from the same search. It then reorders the results placing its own recommendations indented under the original results.

What's surprising about Surf Canyon is just how good it is! I find that about 50% of the time when I return to a results page Surf Canyon has considerably improved the relevance of the results. I now consider Surf Canyon indispensable and award it a rating of five out of five. Remarkable.

Another search tool that will appeal to all you techies is , a vertical search engine that indexes error codes. These codes are not only from computer hardware and software but also for various makes of cars.

Sometimes the search for an error message will result in detail that isn't shown unless you are logged in (registration is free). As a registered user you can also leave comments on individual errors (I'm surprised the hired guns haven't started showing off and touting their consulting on this service).