Search Engine Usage Soared in 2009


Comscore's only took December of 2008 and 2009 into consideration and lobbed all Microsoft properties into one category. Much has happened between the data, and Bing's specific market share is showing slight, but steady drops.

Bing slipped from 9.57 percent share in the U.S. in October to 9.32 percent in November according to a report by Experian Hitwise, which was summarized in a PCWorld . Another shows Bing losing additional share in December when it dropped to 8.92 percent of U.S. while Google increased its market share by one-percent.

Undoubtedly the did quite a bit for Microsoft in the past year. Its features, and marketing campaigns and helped it bolster its popularity, but it has a long way to go if it plans on becoming the top dog.

Then again, becoming the wouldn't hurt Bing's numbers.