Scanning Negatives, Shooting the Moon, Fixing the Colors in a Photo


Gerald says: "There seemed to be an inordinate number of bees circulating around this Mexican Bird of Paradise. My objective was to capture one head-on near the flower, but afterwards I discovered I had captured this shot of one headed straight for its destination and liked it the best."

Gerald captured this photo using a tripod-mounted Nikon D 70 with a 60mm macro lens.

This week's runner-up: "First Sign of Spring" by Brent Baldauf, Butler, Pennsylvania

Apparently, it's bee season--judging from the many buzz-themed submissions this week. Brent says that he shot this photo beside his home's driveway using a Nikon D80 and a 35mm lens.

To see winners for April, visit last month's slide show. Visit the to browse past winners.