RSA - On the Mark: Vista more secure than ...


PacketMotion's appliances keep tabs on what users do with files.At RSA, the company will announce the Voltage Security Network, which businesses can use for on-demand e-mail encryption for $95 per user annually. Voltage Security also has boosted the scalability, authentication, management and reporting features of SecureMail, its flagship encryption software. And by summer, it plans to release an offering called the Data Protection System for companies that need to encrypt data for service-oriented architecture applications.

Just WHOIS the owner of......that Web site?

If you use the WHOIS command on the Internet, you'll likely learn the to answer to that question. But if the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) follows the advice of the Electronic Privacy Information Center and other privacy advocates, it will adopt a new registration policy called operational point of contact, which restricts the data available online. Frederick Felman, chief marketing officer at MarkMonitor Inc. in San Francisco, thinks that would be a big mistake. Felman says ICANN should adopt a special- circumstances policy that permits only people with legitimate needs, such as homes for abused women, to mask their Web site ownership and contact data. He argues that WHOIS is a vital tool for quickly shutting down malware sites and protecting users from phishing attacks.