Remains of the Day: Talking smack


Apparently, iOS 5 contains a special feature for Japanese users: earthquake warning alerts. It's part of a national system launched in 2007, and which has already been deployed to other handsets. Frankly, having this as an alert option would probably make me nervous every time I got a text message.

(Save the Internet)

An Internet grassroots organization has amassed thousands of signatures to protest an Apple patent for a technology that could remotely disable iPhones' cameras during concerts. The concern? That anti-democratic forces would use the technology for nefarious purposes. The organization delivered the petition and its more than 25,000 signatures to an Apple rep this week, cleverly packaging it in a MacBook Pro box. (Note: 25,000 signatures printed out on paper are actually than a MacBook Pro.)


And now, for your viewing pleasure, a 20-second video of Weird Al playing the accordion on an iPad.