Remains of the Day: See you, raise you


Yes, it's sad that T-Mobile had to close seven of its call centers and lay off thousands of employees, but AT&T senior executive vice president of external and legislative affairs Jim Cicconi would like you to remember the true culprit--the FCC, who blocked AT&T's acquisition of the rival carrier. That's right, it's a 317-word "I told you so" post. Stay classy, AT&T.


One school in the Netherlands is proposing a school where students use just iPads, fulfilling a vision of the late Steve Jobs. If this pans out, maybe "going Dutch" will have a different meaning for future generations.


Apple's shares took a surprising and precipitous fall early on Friday, but it seems that the figure was the result of an erroneous trade that pegged Apple's stock down almost 10 percent. I guess I totally missed my chance to make a killing.