Remains of the Day: Hello, is your iTunes running?


On the topic of interrupted phone calls, the woman who actually hung up when a representative from Apple called to congratulate her. Gail Davis thought it was a prank call, so she told the rep she wasn't interested. Fortunately, the matter was eventually resolved and she received her $10,000 iTunes gift card. On the downside, poor Ms. Davis is probably now going to be second-guessing every e-mail she gets from a deposed Nigerian prince.

(All Things Digital)

According to All Things Digital's Arik Hesseldahl, Apple has hired security expert David Rice to be its global director of security. Previously, Rice worked as a Special Duty Cryptologic officer in the U.S. Navy and an analyst at the National Security Agency. So I guess it remains to be seen how he'll do in a secretive environment.


And now for an Eric Schmidt chaser. The Google CEO, who last week , has reportedly been talking with a CNN producer about hosting a show on the network. Allow me to share my short list of potential titles for the program: