Remains of the Day: A tablet for all seasons


Keyboards are so 2006. According to a patent application uncovered this week, Apple's looking to reinvent the classic input device by creating an keyboard that uses proximity sensors and air flow to provide tactile feedback to the user they even make contact with the keys. That means it could know what you're typing . As cool as this technology is, it's expected to be quickly superseded by a keyboard that can figure out what you want to say just by staring at it.

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When Steve Jobs , he said that Apple would push the technology as "an open industry standard." Almost a year later, and it seems that no public progress has been made on that front. Of course, that could just be because Apple engineers can now use FaceTime to working from the beach home.


What's changed to make publishers suddenly flock Apple's iOS subscriptions? According to one Forbes writer, it's because it turns out that customers are far more willing to give up their personal information than the publishers had worried they might be. I don't know why that's such a surprise; I mean, I know a guy who once chugged an entire can of just to get a free T-shirt.