Redshift -- Astronomy for iPhone and iPad


A search box at the upper-right of the screen lets you search for whatever you'd like to see. A button at the top left works as a perfect reset switch; if you get lost in space, it brings you right back to your view from home instead. And if you want to see the sky for a different date or time, you can adjust that at the bottom of the screen.

iOS device owners enjoy an embarrassment of riches when it comes to astronomy apps. Vito Technology, for example, offers Star Walk, which is very well-regarded in both and formats. Redshift and the aforementioned Pocket Universe are also superb, and I found each easy to master after a short learning curve. If you can only buy one, you should probably judge on looks alone: which one sports the slicker interface? Were I myself forced to choose, I'd give Pocket Universe's visuals a slight edge, but would feel as sad about losing Redshift as I did when Pluto lost its planetary status.

RedShift is as impressive as it is immersive. The app is packed with data, and it makes a great stargazing companion if you, like me, need a little help understanding what you're seeing in the sky.