Reality Check: IM as a unified collaboration platform


Still another possibility is for IT to build a plug-in that puts the answers to queries into a company's FAQ system.

Not only is IM extensible, but it can also be escalated with one click to a videoconference or VOIP call. With presence we can start with text, move to talk, pull data, and find experts. Marshak sees IM platforms becoming miniature communications portals for the enterprise.

One caveat to all of these free-wheeling, unified communications capabilities, however, is government regulation. Fortunately, companies like Akonix Systems, FaceTime, and IMlogic (recently acquired by Symantec) offer in-stream content viewing solutions that can block or archive any IM conversation, based on business rules for compliance. I should also mention that IBM is not the only player with an EIM solution. Jive Software is also open source, but based on the GPL license rather than Eclipse; there is also Antepo, a commercial EIM vendor.

There is another downside that has to be considered. Up until now, people were the "un-automated" part of a business process. Only the machines were always on and always available. Now the human factor is in danger of getting obliterated. Thanks to these technologies, we might become more like machines than many of us would prefer.