Reading the fine print … so you don't have to


Some of the initial changes that have been highlighted would appear to be trivial, such as one from Facebook that notes nothing but a change in contact information (and who uses snail-mail addresses anymore?).

But others are clearly more meaningful, such as one flagged from the ToS of domain name registrar, adding the language: "You acknowledge and agree a copy of the customer contact data you provide will be used as the initial domain contact data and made public in the WHOIS database." And another from eBay that adds several paragraphs of new verbiage covering a buyer's obligations when alleging receipt of a fraudulent item.

The site's homepage includes a "highlighted policies" box, which presumably will help pull some of the nuggets from what promises to quickly become an avalanche of change notices.

It will be interesting to see if the site proves useful … or just gets tucked back into the glove compartment.