Putting the band into GarageBand


3. Once multitracking is enabled, you'll see a new round button appear just to the right of each track's instrument icon. Clicking these buttons arms the selected tracks for recording.

4. Once you've armed the tracks you want to record, simply click the R button on your keyboard, or the red Record button on the toolbar at the bottom of the GarageBand window. The selected tracks will turn red and start recording.

That's all there is to it. Unfortunately, I have no tips on how to get the bass player to show up on time.

. A scratch vocal track can be helpful when recording a song, giving cues for changes from verse to chorus, for example. You can lay down a scratch vocal track while playing a guitar or other instrument, but outside noise will likely be picked up by the vocal microphone, making it unsuitable for the final mix. Go back and record your final vocals, while wearing headphones, after the basic tracks have been recorded.