Prognosis for medical apps is guarded


The idea of government regulations of some kind for medical apps is one that Dr. Steven Levine, professor of neurology and of emergency medicine at , embraces wholeheartedly.

Levine is the principal scientific investigator on a study to develop mobile apps for stroke patients and their caregivers. The two-year study is funded by a grant from the federally funded (PCORI).

Levine's team is approaching the creation of these stroke apps with a great deal of research methodology and academic rigor. The ultimate goal of these apps will be to give stroke survivors and their health care providers a way to monitor and manage the patient's life after a stroke event -- and to help keep another stroke from occurring. Since strokes are the number one combined killer globally, it's a challenge that Levine wants to get absolutely right.

This level of research is not something Levine sees much of in the medical app sector. In fact, he was surprised how few peer-reviewed papers there were measuring the effectiveness and usability of applications.