Prepare for the PMP Exam Part 6: Using Practice Tests


A good way to gauge your readiness to take the actual PMP Exam is to practice using a PMP Exam Simulator. There are a variety of them on the open market, and some students choose more than one PMP exam simulator, so confirm the PMP Exam Simulator product you buy includes these MUST HAVE features:

1. Do not be fooled into thinking that just because a simulator has a reasonable price that it does not offer a comprehensive product. Compare features, costs, reputation, and take advantage of any free trials offered.

2. (current fourth edition), represents all of the question types and provides hints/explanations for each question.

3. . Make sure that the questions were written by multiple, certified PMPs, and that the questions parallel the actual PMP Exam. The Project Management Institute sought out PMPs to volunteer from all over the world to write the exam questions and another body of volunteers to review. This gives the actual PMP exam its reputation of being unpredictable. The best simulators will have the same variability in the background of the people who created them.

4. Reviewing questions right away will help you to identify and focus on specific Process Groups and Knowledge Areas from the PMBOK Guide. Make sure your exam simulator gives you access for at least 60 days so you can go back and review the questions and re-take the exam.