Peoplebank signs 457 visa deal with Federal Government


The Australian Computer Society (ACS) has also .

Acheson claimed the Government's NBN plan, which predicted up to 25,000 additional jobs, would also need overseas hires to help fill skills gaps.

"The reason for that was the last major rollout of this type was the Optus rollout in the early 90s," he said. "They rolled out a massive amount of cable over a couple of years. But if you talk to the people at Optus that were ultimately responsible for that rollout, they will tell you the skill sets, and we are more talking civil engineering, they believe there was a shortage of people with those skills."

Additionally, as part of the agreement, Peoplebank, will provide training, IT scholarships and other initiatives to address Australia's ICT skills shortages. In a statement the recruiter advised an approved expenditure plan for this program will be announced in coming months.