Palm finally delivers real push e-mail


Direct Push adds other benefits as well. Push as a technology gives the server a remote, control channel. With push, IT can implement a theft loss-protection strategy to delete data or add password policy enforcement over the air.

In addition, cellular companies typically charge more for a BlackBerry data service to allow push e-mail, so Palm devices with an equivalent feature will have a service price advantage.

Joe Fabris, director of wireless solutions for Palm, said if you are managing fifty or fewer Treos, however, there probably is no need for additional management software. But if you are managing 500 or 5,000 devices, you will need additional software to manage the blacklisting of nonapproved software, software maintenance and upgrades, and the ability to turn off components such as a built-in camera.

These services are integrated into the native e-mail software from Rim with the BES (Blackberry Enterprise Server) middleware or Good Mobile Messaging.

Direct Push will be available as a for VersaMail on Monday.