Oracle positions database tool as scripting alternative


Featured in the new version are productivity enhancements for building Web applications. Reuse of applications is promoted through the ability to package applications and dependent objects such as tables, seed data and images into a single file.

The packaged application feature enables application to be packaged and distributed as a single file that holds logic, images, tables and seed data such as sample data. Cascading Style Sheets or HTML also can be included. The feature promotes reuse and eliminates what had been a multistep process for packaging of applications.

"It was very cumbersome [previously]," Hichwa said. "With this, you have a single file, you go through a wizard process, next, next, next and you're done."

An Item Finder search tool in Version 2.2 allows users to search within applications; component-level export also is included. An Access Control wizard controls access to applications and assists with building of screens to manage users.

A Developer Comment feature lets developers add comments to an application, page or a group of pages. This boosts group development of applications.