Online video the future -- but television won't die out, ACBI says


"The crossover between what's user generated and what's professional is collapsing. The problem we all have, and the Convergence Review had to face, was what does that mean for some of the expectations -- and they do have them -- the community has about the way powerful media is dealt with on platforms," Long said.

The final report in the [PDF] was released in April this year.

The review began in December 2010 as an attempt to examine the policy and regulatory frameworks that apply to the converged media, telecommunications and information technology industries in Australia.

It stated major foreign online media companies, such as Google and Facebook, nor contribute to an Australian content fund.

While there are no regulations around video content on the Internet, such as those television broadcasters have to adhere to, Long said the future of high bandwidth video is in making use of one-to-one connectivity which is delivered online and through terrestrial broadcast modes.