Not your father's Web: The year in RIAs


As 2008 drew to a close, in the RIA race. Back in August, with impressive data binding capabilities; a good collection of widgets for layout, animation, and input device listeners; and support for vector objects, transparency, and 2-D keyframe animations. Like Adobe and Microsoft, Sun is also working to close the loop between design and development with plug-ins for Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Look for the of JavaFX 1.0 in coming weeks.

If you're looking for some good news from the year 2008, you'll find it in the amazing range of RIA developments. Adobe leads the way with the Flex/AIR combo, and their integration with matchless tools for designers. Microsoft's Silverlight has come very far very fast, putting ASP.Net developers on a fast path to RIA. And Sun's JavaFX, with its Java-like syntax, gives Java developers a tool (and commercial backer) they can easily warm to. Developers with their eye on tomorrow's Web never had it so good.