Nielsen's Top 10 PC Games and Consoles of 2008


The take away: Everyone thinks no one's playing the Wii. They're wrong. The 360 can claim the slightly higher usage-to-units ratio, but the Wii leapt from 5.5% in 2007 to 13.4% in 2008, a notably larger increase than the 360's 11.8% to 17.2%.

The PS3? Its usage increase (2.5% in 2007 to 7.3% in 2008) was actually commensurate with the 360's. Still, Sony's got a year to really get the lead out if it doesn't want to be this generation's GameCube (which, speaking of, was actually number six on Nielsen's console usage chart with 4.6% of total, so that's not necessarily a slam). The PS3's than the gloomy picture and the misleadingly paint, but it's still well off .

Total time spent top 10 PC gaming in 2007 = 86 hours per week.

Total time spent top 10 PC gaming in 2008 = 62 hours per week.

Is that a downtrend in overall PC gaming? A downturn, to be sure, but as for trends, it's hard to say with just these numbers. 2008 was kind of a mediocre year for PC games -- all the biggest releases were either MMOs or multi-platform ports. With PC exclusives like Diablo III and Starcraft II on the horizon, 2009 looks tastier.