News quiz: The week in tech


Correct Answer: The WikiLeaks home offices

As the New York Times pointed out, many of the facilities listed in the documents are already likely targets for terrorists. Still, it's looking like a good Christmas for bomb throwers and other nut jobs.

Question 4: WikiLeaks now apparently has a "kick me" sign on its back. Which of the following Internet services has not ended its support for the controversial whistleblowers?

Correct Answer: Facebook

Allegedly bowing to pressure from Congress, Amazon booted the WikiLeaks site from its hosting services a day after it had signed up. PayPal (as well as MasterCard and Visa) announced they would no longer process donations to the nonprofit organization. EveryDNS removed WikiLeaks from its domain name servers, citing threats from DDoS attacks. But Facebook says its WikiLeaks pages will remain, at least until the org does something to violate the social network's terms of service. We're sure they'll get around to that eventually.