News quiz: The week in tech


Correct Answer: Diddy Kong

Donkey Kong Country Returns joins Kirby's Epic Yarn and last year's Super Mario Bros. Wii as smash hits from the Super Nintendo era reborn as gesture-aware 3-D epics for rapidly aging gamers. Now when you jump the exploding barrels and leap up to grab a bunch of bananas, you risk spraining more than just your thumbs.

Question 9: Scientists at CERN have created the largest amount of antimatter known to mankind. How many atoms of antihydrogen did they manage to create?

Correct Answer: 38

And they only lasted two-tenths of a second before self-destructing. Still, that's longer than any other antimatter -- and more of it -- than any yet generated on this planet. If produced en masse and harnessed, antimatter could theoretically power starships and/or blow everything to kingdom come, especially if there's a plasma core breach in the starboard nacelles. Ready, everybody, on three: "She canna go na faster, cap'n, she's gonna blow!"